For decades the SAT has served as THE doorway that all students have to successfully pass through if they have any hopes of being accepted by reputable colleges. But today the test has been dramatically changed to the point that it is generally not demonstrating the true academic ability of students, especially those in classical Christian schools. Given the ‘dumbing down’ of the test, many students are now getting the highest scores possible and colleges are quickly finding the SAT to be less of an indicator of ability. Enter Jeremy Tate, a former college admissions, test prep consultant and counselor who was so alarmed by the changing SAT that he crafted the Classic Learning Test (CLT) as a means of restoring the foundations of Western education. And best of all… colleges are welcoming students who submit this new test with their applications!
Jeremy Tate is a former college admissions test prep consultant and counselor. Alarmed by the lack of logic- and philosophy-based subject matter in the two dominant forms of entrance exams, he founded the Classic Learning Test (CLT) as a means of restoring the foundations of Western education.
Serving in the same capacity as his prior roles, Tate applies his knowledge to the CLT mission of reconnecting intellectual pursuit and virtue. He is a graduate of Louisiana State University and Reformed Theological Seminary, and has four children who range in age from 3 to 10 years.