ACCS alumni desire to serve and are able to engage policy makers.
For Christ: Catherine Rogers, USA Today Network
Reclaiming the Media: Nicole Ault, The Wall Street Journal
One of the most significant profile differences for ACCS alumni is “Influence.” This metric looks at how likely alumni are to be successful with engagement in culture and society, and how likely they are to influence it. Of course, influence, like college preparation, is not an aim of classical Christian education. The data does show, however, that for some reason, this is the strongest profile for ACCS alumni.

Blue bars are actual data. The red bars reflect the school’s effect, isolated from other family factors.
This influence measure is made up of several factors. It measures the connection alumni have to influential people. A series of questions were asked about knowing CEOs, politicians, local community leaders, etc. Another measure was volunteering. While ACCS alumni reported more volunteerism in general, they were much more likely to volunteer and lead outside of their church.
Much of the strength was in the unique attitudes and beliefs of ACCS alumni. ACCS alumni believe in public debate, and that they have an obligation to address problems in our culture. They also seek jobs that will allow them to influence their communities and culture, and they are willing to take lower pay to do it.