The West
A Tribute to Ideas that Make Us
Greek Words We Have No Translation For
Read more: Why do we study the Greeks so much? ~by Louis Markos By Elise Goodwin Greek Words We Have No Translation For We can’t go back to ancient Greece, but occasionally we can find small windows into their world by looking at their language. Their words tell us...
The King Alfred School
Contact or Support The King Alfred School What is the most common response to the idea of classical Christian education (CCE) if you mention it to a typical person in the UK? According to Thomas and Hayley Bowen, the founders of the UK’s first classical Christian...
The Cubic Equation, Imaginary Numbers, and a Math Duel
Have you ever wondered how mathematical concepts were discovered? Math nerds, or those who simply love history, will enjoy this 23 minute video on the discovery of imaginary numbers and solving of the cubic equation -- a math problem that stumped mathematicians for...
Classical Schools Cut Through the Culture Wars
A recent article in Newsweek reminds its readers: Schools have a profound effect on the values instilled in children. It goes on to say that in an ideal world, schools would cut through partisan battles, ensuring some set of consistent values and focusing on the goal...
In Defense of a Classical Education
The Classic Learning Test (CLT) is growing in popularity. Many ACCS schools offer this test as an alternative to the College Board's SAT, and the list of colleges accepting the test is growing. CLT founder Jeremy Tate recently sat down with America magazine to discuss...
How the West Was Lost
by Ty Fischer A review of Carl Trueman’s "The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self" Have you ever been lost? I mean really lost. As a boy, I misread a map as we were leaving a St.Louis Cardinals game. My dad realized something was wrong when I mentioned that the last...
The Novel
The novel, as a Western literary tradition, can be traced from the Greek epics of 2000 years ago, through the epics and romances of the medieval ages, down to today’s classics. It was in the Christian West that narrative was refined into this “novel” literary form—the...
A Video Facebook Refuses to Post
Facebook censors a video posted by ACCS member The Saint Constantine School in Houston, TX: The video of students and others reciting Pericles' Funeral Oration (431 BC) to celebrate the bicentennial of the independence of the Greek Republic was rejected as hateful....
Why do we study the Greeks so much?
By Louis Markos As Christians, we must, of course, read and know the Bible intimately, so that we will know how God acted directly in human history, leading up to the Incarnation, Crucifixion, and Resurrection, and looking forward to the Second Coming. Such is...
Biden Administration Terminates 1776 Commission
Read More: The 1619 Project - An exhaustive list of resources and news ▸ The 1619 Project Claim: Slavery was introduced to America in 1619 Claim: The American Revolution was fought to protect slavery The 1776 Commission Members of the 1776 Commission Background: 1619...
A Museum of “Banned Books” Opens in Estonia
A young scotsman, studying for his Masters degree in Estonia has established a museum of books that have been banned, burned, and censored throughout history. The goal: to raise awareness of the long history of censorship and the importance of freedom of speech. Read...
Parent Study: Ideas Can Change the World
Host a Community Group Take time to learn and study some of the great ideas of the West with other parents.