Fall 2017

The Ambrose School, Meridian, ID
“I wish I could go back to school!” It’s a common lament from parents of classical Christian school students.
While we can’t do much to reverse time, we can offer suggestions.
Increasingly, we’re hearing that parents have found a way to bridge this gap, with the added bonus of engaging in their kids’ daily lives.
It’s simple. Get your students’ reading lists, and read the books. Most schools supply the list of books each grade will be reading during the year. Since you don’t need the exact same copy as your student, you can easily find used versions on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Alibris. Some might be available in the public domain using sources like Project Gutenberg. If you plan ahead, you might be able to use your student’s copy before it goes to school.
[bctt tweet=”Get your students’ reading lists, and read the books.”]
Ask your kids what they discussed in class, and what they think. Having some common ground makes conversation easier. You might even be able to help with studying or projects. Some parents ignite discussion by playing “devil’s advocate” with the ideas in the books—something difficult to do unless you’ve read the material. And if all you can pry from your students is the short answer, at least you’ll have a window into part of their day.
It might not be like going back to school, but according to some parents, it’s the next best thing.
Thank you for this! Brings a smile to my face knowing there are parents just like us. Thanks for making a difference!