You’ve probably heard the phrase “truth, goodness, and beauty” repeated more than once at your child’s school. These words roll off the tongue as though they’re similar to each other, but one of the three is so much harder to teach.
You’ve probably heard the phrase “truth, goodness, and beauty” repeated more than once at your child’s school. These words roll off the tongue as though they’re similar to each other, but one of the three is so much harder to teach.
When we think of great artists from the past, we usually don’t associate them with political movements. But this misses something key about politics: someone always has to be telling the story. And prior to the invention of a camera, you needed an artist for that.
Musing vs. Being Amused BY NATHAN DOWD “People will come to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.”from Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil PostmanOne of the reasons why a classical education can be challenging is that classical teachers seek to...
“I will take the Ring,” he said, “though I do not know the way.”Frodo Baggins, The Fellowship of the RingWhen Frodo stood forth at the Council of Elrond and presented himself as the ring bearer for a quest which seemed certain to fail, he obeyed a sense of calling far...
Setting the Right Pace for the School Year BY ROY GRIFFITH It’s official–the school year is well underway. Shorter daylight hours and earlier bedtimes are now the rule of life, along with new friends, new teachers, and new things to learn. The slower pace of summer...
Three Types of Questions to Ask Your Child BY MANDI GERTH As parents, we long to engage our children in meaningful conversation but often don’t know how. It’s hard to move a conversation forward after a reply like “fine” or “okay.” It’s also hard to fault the response...
Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean And the pleasant land. Little deeds of kindness, Little words of love, Make our earth an Eden, Like the heaven above. By: Julia Carney When my children were young, our days were filled with...
When I was in fourth or fifth grade, I was at the home of a friend who attended a local public school. At some point during our pretend play, she said, “I know you’re nice, but your school is full of mean rich kids.” I don’t remember how I responded, but the...
One man’s vision for reclaiming Hungary’s classical Christian heritage by Carl Warmouth Sándor Szenczy ascended the stairs of the North Korean embassy. He rang the bell, pulled his coat collar up against the cold winter Budapest wind, stuffed his hands in his pockets...
HBO is telling stories that become social justice movements. Parents have a big job. If you’re a classical, Christian parent, that job is bigger. The real burden of this sort of education is shouldered at home and around the dinner table. You digest the...
Have Questions About Classical Christian Education? We are here to help! Q:Why do classical schools teach Rhetoric, and what is it? A:Socrates was put on trial in Athens 2,400 years ago with several accusations, one of which was “making the weaker argument appear to...
Alumni Profile You’re sitting down for dinner with the family, and your senior—who has attended a classical Christian school since kindergarten—suddenly blurts, “Mom and Dad, I don’t think I want to take the traditional path and go to college.” You blink and look at...
Jake has a hard time trying to learn something he doesn’t easily understand. If he gets an answer wrong, his head goes down on the desk and he struggles to pull it together. The teacher has notified his parents and the parents share that Jake is “on the spectrum.” ...
As much as I’d like the Church calendar to set the rhythm of my life, it’s the school calendar. The Church year is varied, shimmering, dappled—the school calendar, not so much. Nine and a half months of the Apollonian followed by ten weeks of the Dionysian. A lot of...
By Stormy Goodwin January was moving month at the ACCS. As old issues of The Classical Difference were lifted from dusty boxes onto freshly painted shelves, we reminisced. The first box revealed a headline in bright orange: “A New Lesson in Rwanda: A War, a Teacher,...
TAZARA RAILWAY LINKING ZAMBIA AND TANZANIA: PHOTO BY KATSUMA TANAKA ON UNSPLASH Part II* - Zambia (Read Part I) In September, 2023, a few weeks before David Goodwin and Tim Dernlan (ACCS president and vice president, respectively) were scheduled to depart for Africa,...