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The Classical Difference

Singing a Sweeter Song

The Sirens’ song must be resisted, but how? There are two ways, according to Homer.

What if I Don’t Like Bach?

How do you get someone to love Johann Sebastian Bach when they would rather listen to Taylor Swift?

How Do You Teach Beauty?

You’ve probably heard the phrase “truth, goodness, and beauty” repeated more than once at your child’s school. These words roll off the tongue as though they’re similar to each other, but one of the three is so much harder to teach.

This Year in History: 1825

When we think of great artists from the past, we usually don’t associate them with political movements. But this misses something key about politics: someone always has to be telling the story. And prior to the invention of a camera, you needed an artist for that.



Singing a Sweeter Song

Singing a Sweeter Song:What Odysseus and Orpheus Can Teach Us about the “Moral Imagination” by...


FOMO, FOBO, or Frodo?

“I will take the Ring,” he said, “though I do not know the way.”Frodo Baggins, The Fellowship of...

Liam’s Wish

LIAM MCCALMON, a fifth grade student at Agathos Classical School in Columbia, TN, has used a...

Little Things

  Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean And the pleasant land....

Contributor Highlights

Hannah K. Grieser

David Goodwin

Mandi Gerth

Little Things

Little Things

  Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, Make the mighty...

“The Classical Difference Today” Newsletter

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Join the growing community of believers in truth, goodness, beauty, and a life well-lived.

A National Presence

Our goal is for every parent to have access to a classical Christian school. See if there is one near you.


The trivium. Grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Time-tested. School that leads to life, not just a job. Wisdom,
knowledge, understanding. Truth, goodness, beauty.

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