Singing a Sweeter Song

Singing a Sweeter Song:What Odysseus and Orpheus Can Teach Us about the “Moral Imagination” by...

How Do You Teach Beauty?

How Do You Teach Beauty? by Jon Paul Pope  You’ve probably heard the phrase “truth, goodness, and...


Singing a Sweeter Song

Singing a Sweeter Song:What Odysseus and Orpheus Can Teach Us about the “Moral Imagination” by...


Doing Hard Things Well

Jake has a hard time trying to learn something he doesn’t easily understand.   If he gets an...

Liam’s Wish

LIAM MCCALMON, a fifth grade student at Agathos Classical School in Columbia, TN, has used a...

Little Things

  Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean And the pleasant land....

The Good Soil Study:
Alumni life outcomes by type of school, including ACCS.

What every parent should consider.

Watch more at

Classical Conundrums – Why Rhetoric?

Classical Conundrums – Why Rhetoric?

Have Questions About Classical Christian Education? We are here to help! Q:Why do classical schools teach Rhetoric, and what is it? A:Socrates was...


Liam’s Wish

Liam’s Wish

LIAM MCCALMON, a fifth grade student at Agathos Classical School in Columbia, TN, has used a devastating diagnosis to glorify God and help his...


A Nation of Biblical Illiterates

A timely wake-up call for Christian parents and pastors The Cultural Research Center of Arizona Christian University has released its American Worldview Inventory 2022. The results are disconcerting, to put it mildly. Two-thirds of parents of pre-teens in America...

200 New Classical Christian Schools Open in Just 2 Years

For the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS), 30 years of hard work is starting to pay off. Dr. Timothy Dernlan, vice president of member services and advancement at ACCS, told The Lion that 100 new ACCS schools opened in the past year. ...

Classical Education Meets New College of Florida

DeSantis’ College Appointees Like Chris Rufo Show The Battle For America’s Academies Is Far From Over ... Shortly after the announcement was made, DeSantis’ chief of staff, James Uthmeier, indicated that a priority of the new trustees would be establishing a...

Can the Classic Learning Test Replace the SAT?

On this episode of Take Back Our Schools, Andrew and Beth welcome classical education innovator Jeremy Tate who talks about his experiences teaching in inner city New York City and what led him to found the Classic Learning Test, a standardized test for classical...

ACT Test Scores Drop to Lowest Point in 30 Years

ACT scores have dropped to their lowest point in 30 years according to AP News, based on a recent report from the ACT. According to AP News: The class of 2022′s average ACT composite score was 19.8 out of 36, marking the first time since 1991 that the average score...

Singing a Sweeter Song

Singing a Sweeter Song:What Odysseus and Orpheus Can Teach Us about the “Moral Imagination” by Matt Beatty I’ll begin by asking a question that I often ask parents during conferences: “What if your child could move her grade in this class from a B to an A—but in...

What if I Don’t Like Bach?

What If I Don't Like Bach? How to Develop a Taste for Better Music By Jarrod Richey "How do you get someone to love Johann Sebastian Bach when they would rather listen to Taylor Swift?” The question came from a music colleague, but it could just as easily have been...

How Do You Teach Beauty?

How Do You Teach Beauty? by Jon Paul Pope  You’ve probably heard the phrase “truth, goodness, and beauty” repeated more than once at your child’s school. These words roll off the tongue as though they’re similar to each other, but one of the three is so much harder to...

This Year in History: 1825

The Death of Jacques-Louis David By James Goode   When we think of great artists from the past, we usually don’t associate them with political movements. Our stereotype of the artist places him in a lonely studio, hunched over his work of genius, oblivious to the...

Why didn’t 30 minutes of Homer do anything for my child?

Musing vs. Being Amused BY NATHAN DOWD “People will come to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.”from Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil PostmanOne of the reasons why a classical education can be challenging is that classical teachers seek to...

FOMO, FOBO, or Frodo?

“I will take the Ring,” he said, “though I do not know the way.”Frodo Baggins, The Fellowship of the RingWhen Frodo stood forth at the Council of Elrond and presented himself as the ring bearer for a quest which seemed certain to fail, he obeyed a sense of calling far...

Better Questions, Better Answers

Better Questions, Better Answers

Three Types of Questions to Ask Your Child BY MANDI GERTH As parents, we long to engage our children in meaningful conversation but often don’t know...

Singing a Sweeter Song

Singing a Sweeter Song

The Sirens’ song must be resisted, but how? There are two ways, according to Homer.

Graduates Pursue a Different Path

Graduates Pursue a Different Path

Alumni Profile You’re sitting down for dinner with the family, and your senior—who has attended a classical Christian school since...

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The Consolation of Philosophy

The Consolation of Philosophy

Don't Forget God's Sovereignty How Great Literature Helps Us Understand Our World BY BILL STUTZMAN* Falsely accused and imprisoned, Boethius has lost everything and cannot understand why. While wallowing in the empty comforts of self-indulgent poetry (did someone say,...

Life Skills

Life Skills

“And having thus passed the principles of arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and geography, with a general compact of physics, they may descend in mathematics to the instrumental science of trigonometry, and from thence to fortification, architecture, engineering, and...

Parent Reading Lists: Read and Listen Survey Results

Parent Reading Lists: Read and Listen Survey Results

Photo by Frank Holleman on UnsplashREAD & LISTEN: SURVEY RESULTSBooks about Classical Education ▾Books from the Classroom ▾Podcasts forKids ▸Read about CCE from A-Z ▸ Rewind: Audiobooks for Summer Afternoons ▸"CHRISTIAN PARENTS are ultimately responsible for the...


A Nation of Biblical Illiterates

A timely wake-up call for Christian parents and pastors The Cultural Research Center of Arizona Christian University has released its American Worldview Inventory 2022. The results are disconcerting, to put it mildly. Two-thirds of parents of pre-teens in America...

200 New Classical Christian Schools Open in Just 2 Years

For the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS), 30 years of hard work is starting to pay off. Dr. Timothy Dernlan, vice president of member services and advancement at ACCS, told The Lion that 100 new ACCS schools opened in the past year. ...

Classical Education Meets New College of Florida

DeSantis’ College Appointees Like Chris Rufo Show The Battle For America’s Academies Is Far From Over ... Shortly after the announcement was made, DeSantis’ chief of staff, James Uthmeier, indicated that a priority of the new trustees would be establishing a...

Recovering Classical Christian Education

Recovering Classical Christian Education

Associates for Biblical Research Mr. John Mark Niehls, headmaster of ACCS member Coventry Christian Schools in Pottstown, PA, explains the "Gospel-centered and time tested alternative: Classical Christian Education." To say that western society is destroying itself...

A New Documentary: The Miseducation of America

A New Documentary: The Miseducation of America

By David Goodwin, President, ACCSIn this article: The Story of Education | A Two-year Project | Inside the Documentary | Out-takes and Fun Facts | Paideia Battle for the American Mind, by Pete Hegseth and David Goodwin.The #1 New York Times Bestseller Learn...

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