Summer 2017
Our graduates are worth reading about.
Not only will you be encouraged about our future, you might find your next summer read.

Covenant Academy, Cypress, TX
Have you ever wondered about their perspectives, favorite experiences, and plans as they get ready to take the next step? Some headmasters at ACCS accredited schools have shared just that from some of their top graduates.
Pursue a bachelor’s in mechanical engineering, possibly focusing on aerospace and aeronautics in order to establish myself for a future family.
My school prepared me above all by cultivating “well-roundedness,” which encompasses the practical skills of persuasive rhetoric, an appreciation and understanding of cultures through art and music, and preparation for citizenship. I am ready to face the secular world with Christian integrity and service.
Veritas assembles every Monday morning to sing the “hymn of the month.” The senior class leads the school, from kindergarteners to the teachers and staff, in praising God. Trained in music, the students sing harmoniously in four parts. This weekly habit unites the school—children and adults, young and old, learning and learned—to sing as one to the source of all knowledge. This is one of my favorite things about Veritas’s unique education.
Book Recommendation
The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emma Orczy. Set in the French Revolution, this is a slow-burner, but with great payoff.
Study English literature and creative writing. I hope to work in children’s publishing, with a specialty in young adult fiction.
Westminster Academy has truly inspired my interest in this direction by developing in me a passion for the written word. Not only did I read powerful literature, I learned the invaluable skills of analysis and critical thinking.
One of my most cherished memories dates back a year or two ago, when the 10th–12th grades went into the city on a day of service. We volunteered at the Mid-South Food Bank, and had so much fun sorting and packaging food and basic care items. It was an incredible experience that, among others at Westminster, allowed me to grow not only as a student, but as a leader and a friend.
Who Needs Wallpaper?
I keep anything that inspires me or reminds me of a happy memory (quotes, photographs, ticket stubs, postcards, flowers, hubcaps, etc.) and then I attach it to the wall of my bedroom. After years of this, my room is essentially a massive collage of beautiful thoughts and joyful remembrances.
Book Recommendation
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton.
Double major in nutrition and psychology (eventually graduate school), with a minor in a language. I want to begin to find a solution to child hunger by providing education to low-income families about nutrition.
My teachers are willing to invest their lives in their students, having us over for dinner, praying for us, talking to us, and counseling us. Once, while studying Ecclesiastes, our teacher took us to a cemetery where we had a competition to find the oldest person who died. It made learning about death in Ecclesiastes 8 so much more realistic. The teachers train us to love learning—they are what make my education meaningful.
Book Recommendation
1984 by George Orwell. It shows the dangers of technology, power, and ultimately, the dangers of ourselves.
Study economics and international studies with a focus in the Middle East and North Africa. Hopefully, these studies will lead me into a life of service in those regions.
Through my theological training at Westminster I discovered what I want to do. A parent at Westminster introduced me to the plights of Christians in the Middle East and North Africa, and I now feel prepared to defend not only my faith, but also those who share the same faith but are punished for it.
As a student ambassador, I have the honor of sharing unique aspects of the school with prospective parents. On one particular tour, the parents were surprised, and even a bit shocked, by two things: the fact that this was a solely student led tour, and the interactions between myself and the younger students, many of whom came up to give me hugs. This is truly a testament to the community that has been fostered and the students that are produced.
Book Recommendation
The Odyssey by Homer. When I read it by myself, I could see the effects of my studies in classical literature and draw connections on my own.
Liberty University: double Master’s in Business Marketing and Liberal Arts. One day I’d like to work for an advertising campaign for a film.
Trinitas equipped me not only to do whatever I do for the glory of the Lord, but also to incorporate the philosophies and theologies of someone who lived a hundred, or a thousand, years ago even into something as seemingly small and insignificant as preparing someone’s food. To me, that was a worthy use of my childhood.
Last spring, the Juniors and Seniors took their annual Aesthetics Trip to Washington, D.C. After dinner on a Potomac River cruise (a first for our school), the dance floor was cleared. After two songs, we saw the other group—about forty middle schoolers—awkwardly standing to the side, unsure of what to do. We collectively decided to include them and eventually every single one of them was dancing with us. Even through something considered trivial, we were able to display the love of Christ as a class.
Book Recommendation
The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy. Not only a brilliant expose of the mortality of man, but a very short book.
Hillsdale College: major in International Business and minor in Journalism. This will hopefully prepare me for the world of political analysis and international correspondence.
Logos School has prepared me for this career path with extensive development of both writing and speaking skills. I am confident that my classical Christian education, when coupled with a degree from such an institution as Hillsdale, will take me far in the world.
Logos Mock Trial is a storied institution, with seventeen Idaho State Championships including this year. Our extensive training in extemporaneous speaking and logic prepares us to compete at the highest levels possible. Last year at Nationals, the ten top placing teams were private schools, most with classical-leaning curriculum.
Book Recommendation
Astoria by Peter Stark. A fabulous tale of exploration, deceit, trage-dy, and ultimate failure.
Attend a four year university to garner more knowledge and explore career possibilities.
My teachers truly care about my future. Once, my teacher halted his lesson plan for one day, and instead discussed God’s calling for us in our lives. He passionately urged us to find jobs that we are called by God to do.
In seventh grade, we went to serve at Camp of the Hills, where inner city kids hear the gospel and experience a summer camp. The camp leaders gave us a job: build a wall by filling those large, chicken-wire bins with rocks. Immediately the whole logic school gathered up in a line and for hours—I did not hear one person complain—we passed rocks until our arms shook and sweat dripped from our bodies. But, we finished building the wall. The camp leaders were shocked when they saw middle school students joyfully complete a project that would have taken them days. Since that year, logic school students annually serve at Camp of the Hills.
Book Recommendation
Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. My heart will always be with the characters.
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. If I were to recommend one summer reading book, I would recommend this one. It is an amazing, 1238 page fantasy novel with superb characters.
Messiah College: major in engineering with forester’s certification. I hope to learn to manage land in a way that cultivates lasting beauty through man’s relationship with creation and worship of God.
Tall Oaks has trained me to be disciplined, seek excellence, and see the true, good, and beautiful ways by which Christ brings all things unto Him-self. I pray that I may raise my children in the paideia of the Lord just as I have been.
This year the Tall Oaks family mourned the death of an alumni who graduated when I was a freshman. Many members of the Tall Oaks community were present at the funeral. My class sang Psalms 23 and 40 during the service, one of our teachers gave a beautiful remembrance and proclamation of resurrection hope, and the boys in my class served as pallbearers. While certainly a sorrowful event, the love of Christ was so powerfully present, and particularly displayed through the Christian community of our school.
Book Recommendation
A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold. This book will open your eyes to the wonders of creation, and maybe even cause you to think critically about your relationship to God’s world.
New Saint Andrews. I hope to teach at Logos or another classical Christian school. Logos has given me the the “how,” and now I’m searching for my “what.”
Logos school isn’t just about receiving an exceptional education. It’s about saying “thank you” to every teacher, after every class. It’s about being able to form your own opinions about Pride & Prejudice and defend them in front of a full room. I’ve learned to love the act of learning itself, and to seek wisdom, hunger for truth, and love God.
I’ve been in Mock Trial since 9th grade. This year, we made it to the final round, brawling for each ballot against Ambrose [another Idaho classical Christian school], the most poised and articulate team I’ve ever seen. The round was a battle of rhetorical weapons, and we all had spent high school sharpening ours. The oddest aspect of the experience was that it was enjoyable.
Book Recommendation
Island of the World by Michael D. O’Brien.
The Man Who Was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton. Quick Service by P. G. Wodehouse.
Mississippi College: major in biology. I have wanted to be a pediatrician ever since I was two years old, so I cannot wait to see how God shapes me during this new chapter of my life.
Westminster pushed and challenged me in ways that other curriculums don’t, not to mention the support I have received and the relationships I have formed with my teachers. I truly believe that no other type of education evokes such excellence and growth from its students.
One afternoon, the senior class was surprised with the opportunity to play with “bubble balls,” where one climbs into a large inflated sphere in order to ram others with it. Afterwards, the bubble ball “instructor” mentioned to some parents that we were the best group he had visited. He had never seen teenagers who were so kind and caring to one another, and who were so willing and happy to share with others. I think that speaks volumes about the environment of classical Christian schools, as well as the young adults it produces.
Book Recommendation
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. Its grandeur and scope are as equally powerful as its themes of love, loss, and redemption.
Future Grad
Meet Jack. His mom, Emily O’Dell (née Bernardini), could never have predicted back in 1998 the future she would have with her new school, Westminster Academy. Fast forward. Now a mom, it was time to decide what to do about school for her own kids.
Visiting Westminster and “being reminded of the difference in the quality and content of this type of education got us really excited. We both knew this was what we wanted for our children. … This education is a true gift.”
It was perfect timing. The school had an opening for a part-time English teacher. Mrs. O’Dell was offered the job, and the chance to rediscover some of the unique qualities she remembered. “I hope that [Jack] will be able to stay through high school, and that he would learn beauty and honor, … the ability to reason, … to understand deeply and to speak graciously.”