What if I Don’t Like Bach?

What If I Don't Like Bach? How to Develop a...

How Do You Teach Beauty?

How Do You Teach Beauty? by Jon Paul Pope ...

This Year in History: 1825

The Death of Jacques-Louis David By James...
You never know what you’ll find in a church basement …

You never know what you’ll find in a church basement …

... besides plungers and flannelgraph.As I passed by the flannel art “God is love” in the narrow corridor of a church basement somewhere in Kentucky, the scene was familiar. I grew up in a church like this. Along with the musty smells, unremodeled bathrooms, and low...

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Classical Conundrums: Won’t my child be stressed out?

Classical Conundrums: Won’t my child be stressed out?

Have questions about classical Christian education?  We are here to help! Ask here. Q: “I’ve heard classical education is unnecessarily difficult or harsh. Won’t my child be stressed out?” A: Children enjoy learning. They are wired for it. Assuming that children will...

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Talk to Strangers

Talk to Strangers

Giving hope to discouraged parents "My praying with them at home and taking them to church is not enough to compete with what is happening to them at school. I’m not going to win." BY MANDI GERTH Recently, scanning the middle grade fiction section at the library with...

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The Book of the IcelandersA.D. 1122

The Book of the Icelanders
A.D. 1122

Image: Iceland by Jonny Auh on Unsplash Century Watch This Year in History - A.D. 1122The Althing (Icelandic: Alþingi) is the national parliament of Iceland, established in 930 A.D. at Thingvellir (“the assembly fields”), 28 miles east of Iceland’s capital, Reykjavík....

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Our Anchor, Our Hope (Part 3)

Our Anchor, Our Hope (Part 3)

By Kristina Cowan Read more: Part I and  Part II Why Language-Focused Education Matters To shape our image-driven, internet-saturated world, our children need a sharp command of language. Thankfully, classical Christian education (CCE) is language-focused, not...

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Book Review: “Competing Spectacles”

Book Review: “Competing Spectacles”

A Review of Tony Reinke’s Competing Spectacles: Treasuring Christ in the Media Age Many spectacles compete for our attention and affection, and our devotion to them is distracting us from focusing on our families, friends, community, and Christ. Whether it’s video...

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The Beauty of Standing Fast

The Beauty of Standing Fast

A Headmaster’s Perspective “Men’s” magazines have women on the cover; women’s magazines also have women on the cover. Women are just more beautiful than men. A beautiful woman is like an army with banners. Just give up. I met one of these women and I was intoxicated....

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Seeing Beyond The Day

Seeing Beyond The Day

By HANNAH K. GRIESER "EVERYONE WANTS THE APPLES; VERY FEW WANT TO PLANT THE TREE AND WAIT." THE SMALL BEGINNINGS OF A CLASSICAL CHRISTIAN COLLEGE A Christian college started in my family’s dining room. True story. But as exciting as that might sound when I say it now,...

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The Ghost Legion of Rome and the Wall of Hadrian

The Ghost Legion of Rome and the Wall of Hadrian

This year in history In A.D. 122, the Roman Emperor Hadrian landed in Britain and headed directly to Rome’s northernmost frontier fort at Eboracum (modern day York, England). He brought with him the 6th Legion (Legio VI Victrix). The mission: build the Vallum...

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Relocating with a Purpose

Relocating with a Purpose

DO NOT VISIT AN ACCS SCHOOL, BECAUSE IF YOU DO... Allow me to say this…back in 2006 when our oldest daughter was three, we made a decision we were going to send our children to public schools. A few months after making that decision, I suggested to my wife that I was...

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The King Alfred School

The King Alfred School

Contact or Support The King Alfred School What is the most common response to the idea of classical Christian education (CCE) if you mention it to a typical person in the UK? According to Thomas and Hayley Bowen, the founders of the UK’s first classical Christian...

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Poiema: “Work of God”—In the Congo

Poiema: “Work of God”—In the Congo

"Congratulations on launching PIA today! I’m proud of you, Mom!” Kahindo Mbodwam read these words right after she awoke from a nap on opening day at Poiema International Academy in Kinshasa, The Democratic Republic of Congo. Exhaustion had set in. But when she saw the...

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Miseducation: Sleuthing a Progressive Plot

Miseducation: Sleuthing a Progressive Plot

A New Documentary | The Miseducation of America I bought an old motorhome once. It wasn’t long before the door didn’t quite close. We made do with a bungie cord. !en the tires blew. The cab over the front seats started to sag. When the engine quit, I realized it was...

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The Art of Wonder

The Art of Wonder

By Hannah K. Grieser Boredom has to be one of the most common complaints of childhood. Once the shock of being born wears off, it doesn’t take long for kids to start being bored. Despite all the countless gifts around them, kids will still flop on the couch with a...

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