Bored with Everything? Awaken the Fire of Curiosity – Grant Horner
When you taste well prepared sushi, a McDonalds fish filet just isn’t so great. That’s what our guest today Grant Horner says when he talks about moving from being bored to having the fire of curiosity awakened in us…Listen in... Grant Horner's academic specialty at...
How Socratic Seminar Teaches Humility
Winter 2018 “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, two of the 20th century’s brightest intellects, built a lifelong friendship on the idea that collaboration is key to success. According to Lewis and...
Classical Education and the Future of Civilization
By Joseph Pierce Read more at The Imaginative Conservative: It is always good to be reminded of the progress Classical Christian Education has made, even in the past decade. "We live in a pathetically dumbed-down culture. Levels of literacy and numeracy...
1 Million Dead in 100 Days – Education as a Killing Machine
For 100 days in 1994 more than one million Rwandans were killed in a genocide by their own neighbors. How could such a horrific killing come about? Patrick Twagirayesu survived in a refugee camp and returned to bury the dead in his home country as he preached the...
Glorious Imagination
Winter 2018 Some years ago, Regents School of Charlottesville set a promotional video to the song by David Archuleta called “Glorious.” I was inspired by the words. The song metaphorically refers to believers as “a symphony” made of many players who,...
Gold Standards: Mock Trial
Fall 2018 Read more: Agathos Classical School Takes 3rd Place at Mock Trial Nationals ▾ Mock Trial: Real Judges, Real Courtrooms, Real Life ▸ Information for Schools ▾ One of the “gold standard” goals for every classical Christian school is this: forming affections....
Spiritual and Academic Repetition Is Not Monotonous
Children Love Repetition “Read it again, Daddy!” The words echo in my mind. Not only because I’ve heard them from my son over and over again, but because I vaguely recall saying them myself. Growing up, my parents would joke about my favorite childhood book and how I...
Great Books…Great to Whom? Why It Matters – Louis Markos
Classical folks talk a lot about reading the “Great Books.” What are the Great Books? Why are they any different than reading other books? And who decided they are Great? Shouldn’t we just be grateful children are even reading at all? Captain Underpants and Diary of...
Gold Standards: Choir
Fall 2018 One of the “gold standard” goals for every classical Christian school is this: forming affections. We talk about discipleship, and how to shape “loves.” We talk about character development, and how to love truth, goodness, and beauty. But how do...
Gold Standards: Protocol
One of the “gold standard” goals for every classical Christian school is this: forming affections. We talk about discipleship, and how to shape “loves.” We talk about character development, and how to love truth, goodness, and beauty. But how do we actually do it? One...
Creator to Sub-Creators: Understanding the Transformation
God is a Creator "The end then of learning is to repair the ruins of our first parents by regaining to know God aright, and out of that knowledge to love him, to imitate him, to be like him, as we may the nearest by possessing our souls of true virtue, which being...
Idols In Education: “Innovation”
Innovation in Charter Schools One key evidence that our educational system may indeed be broken is the meteoric rise of innovation-based charter schools. In 1996 there were approximately 500 of these schools spread over 16 states. Today, all but eight states have...
Why We Teach Art
BY RACHEL JANKOVIC Teaching our children to appreciate art is one of the most enjoyable parts of parenting—something that is part of every fun thing we’ve ever done together. A Practical Endeavor? Am I some kind of flashcard junkie? Or do I start out every day...
How Other Cultures Help Us Recover Our Own
Are there better cultures? “Well, … I don’t know. That, you’d have to convince me of." This wry and skeptical reaction from a teen working on her senior thesis said volumes. What statement of mine could have elicited such a challenge? “There are better cultures and...
Art As a Christian Way of Life
Art and Christianity Are Eternal Ars longa; vita brevis. "Art is long, life is brief." This phrase is attributed to the fourth century Roman statesman, Seneca, but it is believed to have originated first with Hippocrates, who spoke to this human dilemma in the...
Christians and Christian History
BY JASON CHERRY Church History Matters Henry Ford famously said history is “bunk,” by which he meant that people should live in the present and not in the past. This common criticism of history has bled into the church. It has been equal parts ironic and ruinous that...
Building Your Child’s Toolbox: How CCE Provides the Most Useful Tools for Life
We Need the Right Toolbox I grew up watching This Old House with my Dad. I actually couldn’t care less (then and now) about nuances of carpentry or dovetailed joints, but I loved spending time with my Dad, and the information proved invaluable when working at Home...
How do we form a human soul? What Charlotte Mason knew about the art of education.
How do we make education a joyful discovery? Is it knowledge alone or do relationships have something to do with it? What kind of relationship does your child have with history, with their siblings, with math, with their teacher? If relationships are important, how do...