Mock Trial

Agathos Classical School: National Mock Trial Champions
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Good Morning America
For those of you who don’t know, mock trial is hard. Participants often report that the relationships they build during mock trial are amongst their strongest. I believe this is because … Read More
One of the “gold standard” goals for every classical Christian school is this: forming affections.
We talk about discipleship, and how to shape “loves.” We talk about character development, and how to love truth, goodness, and beauty. But how do we actually do it? Mock Trial is one of those ways. Below you’ll find a collection of stories and resources about mock trial and the classical school.
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Agathos Classical School: National Mock Trial Champions
Good Morning America | Scoring Matrix & Team Roster | Battle Cry | Competition Timeline Mock trial is a good fit for classically trained students as it combines knowledge, logic, and rhetoric, the very framework of classical education. -- Jason Whatley Being...
Agathos Classical School Makes History
A Day to Celebrate Agathos Classical School The council members of Maury County, where Agathos Classical School has resided for 16 years, recently honored the Agathos mock trial team with a standing ovation. Everyone seems to be honoring Agathos for their championship...
Classical School Wins National Mock Trial Title
Agathos Classical School, a small classical school just outside of Nashville, took home the national mock trial title last week only four years after starting the program. An outstanding cumulation of hard work and incredible talent, Agathos' victory is the highest of...
Gold Standards: Mock Trial
Fall 2018 Read more: Agathos Classical School Takes 3rd Place at Mock Trial Nationals ▾ Mock Trial: Real Judges, Real Courtrooms, Real Life ▸ Information for Schools ▾ One of the “gold standard” goals for every classical Christian school is this: forming affections....
Mock Trial
by Amy Burgess | Fall 2016 Real Judges, Real Courtrooms, Real Life Start a Team | 2016 Nationals | In the News | Designed for CCE | National Mock Trial | Underdogs Head to State “I’LL TAKE THAT UNDER ADVISEMENT,” a magistrate judge from the State of...
Starting a Mock Trial Team
by Jeanette Faulkner | Fall 2016 Ten Steps to Starting a Mock Trial Team As my husband’s job kept us moving over the past 15 years, I became a mock trial fairy starting new mock trial programs at four ACCS schools. Some of my teams competed at regional,...
Classical schools and homeschools dominate National Mock Trial
In May, the National Mock Trial Championships in Boise, Idaho crowned a new national champion-- a group of homeschoolers from Iowa. The competition draws schools from over 40 states and a number of US territories, as well as South Korea. The location rotates between...
—Dwight D. Eisenhower
The same can be said of life. That’s why classical Christian schools seek to make students who can think so well and love so deeply, they can adjust with joy and faith to each job, each child, each election, each season life brings. We want to make cultural leaders wherever they go. Mock Trial is one of the best ways to get this done.
Information for Schools
Would your school like more information about mock trial? ACCS member schools can find mock trial resources by clicking here to visit the Member Resource Center, or they can visit the MRC on their own and search on “mock trial.”