Classical Difference Posts
For those who want to see it all.
- ‘Religious Freedom Is a Human Right’ says Swiss Court
- “Aeneid the Musical”
- “I was robbed.”
- “Live not by Lies” The Classical Difference Interviews Rod Dreher
- “Mercy” Meets the “Law” in Learning Disabilities
- “Sheltered” in a Good Way
- ‘God, Grades, and Graduation’ Review: A Faithful Way to Learn
- “Education”: A Tale of 2 Dictionaries
- A Promise to America’s Children
- Classical Patricide
- Coach by Michael Lewis
- Educational Faddism Then and Now
- Fault Lines: A Social Justice Vaccine
- Growing Up Surrounded by Books Could Have Powerful, Lasting Effect on the Mind
- Hancus ille Vaccanis translated by Karen Moore
- In Moscow, Idaho, conservative ‘Christian Reconstructionists’ are thriving amid evangelical turmoil
- Joy to the World: An Accidental Classic
- Paideia
- Poiema: “Work of God”—In the Congo
- Pursuing Education, or Just Credentials?
- The Coming Collapse of Secular Man
- The Consolation of Philosophy
- THE LAST BATTLE: Lessons for Our Times
- The Ugly & the Good
- 1 Million Dead in 100 Days – Education as a Killing Machine
- 10 Differences Between Conventional Christian Schools and Classical Christian Schools
- 1621: As If They Were Wiser Than God
- 1776
- 1917: The First Progressive School
- 200 New Classical Christian Schools Open in Just 2 Years
- 2017 Summer
- 2017 Winter Archive
- 2018 Fall Archive
- 2018 Repairing the Ruins Conference
- 2018 Spring Archive
- 2018 Summer Archive
- 2018 Winter Archive
- 2019 Fall Archive
- 2019 Spring Archive
- 2019 Summer Archive
- 2019 Winter Archive
- 2020 Fall
- 2020 Fall Archive
- 2020 Spring Archive
- 2020 Summer Archive
- 2020 Winter Archive
- 2021 Spring Archive
- 3 Classical Schools To Watch in the 2019 School Year
- 3 Habits to Embrace That Teach Your Kids How to Think
- 5 Alumni Return to Teach at Their Alma Mater
- 5 Graduates, 5 Colleges, 1 Year Later – Thoughts on K-12
- 5 ways to support your child at school
- 7 Warnings to Classical Christian Schools
- 7 Ways: The Formative Value of Regular sabbath Dinners
- 8 Ways to Make Your Backyard Bigger
- A Brief History of Education: American and Classical
- A Caution for Parents on College Choice and Critical Race Theory
- A Classical School Responds to Hurricane Harvey
- A Dose of Truth
- A False Enlightenment
- A Glimpse of the ACCS Choral Festival
- A Holiday Story, as Retold by C.S. Lewis
- A House is a House for Me
- A life-giving culture
- A Little Cultural Snobbery, Please: How other cultures help us recover our own
- A Major Undertaking
- A Mixed Reaction to Classical Christian Education
- A Museum of “Banned Books” Opens in Estonia
- A Nation of Biblical Illiterates
- A New Documentary: The Miseducation of America
- A Princess Without a King
- A Professor, A Priest, and a Parent Walk into a School …
- A RIGHTLY ORDERED RHETORIC: Jordan Peterson and Philip Wollen Videos
- A School for Everyone
- A Social Justice Church?
- A Tale of Two Communities: No Nuance
- A Video Facebook Refuses to Post
- A view from Canada…Progressive Education and what’s coming next for America
- A Voice for Life
- A World Safe for Democracy (Gone Wild): A Eulogy for Woody
- Academic Interest: A Reformed Look at Salvation in A Tale of Two Cities
- ACCS Interviews Keith Getty on New Album “Confessio: Irish-American Roots”
- ACCS invites you to join the Gettys at Sing! Global 2020
- ACCS Member School Targeted in Michigan
- ACCS Schools Top Test Score Charts
- ACCS To Attend Sing! Conference This Year
- Accurate or True?
- Acquiring Good Taste
- Acquiring Good Taste and Expanding Your Intellectual Appetite
- Acquiring Good Taste: Expanding your Intellectual Appetite
- ACT Test Scores Drop to Lowest Point in 30 Years
- Advent
- Advent Book Calendar
- Africa Bright Future – Rwanda
- Africa Bright Future Case Study
- Agathos Classical School Makes History
- Agathos Classical School: National Mock Trial Champions
- Albion’s Seed
- Algorithms and The Aeneid
- All The World’s A Stage
- All Things Wise and Wonderful
- Alumni Profile – A Simple Life
- Alumni Profile – Cayln Jones
- Alumni Profile – Elizabeth Wade
- Alumni Profile – Katie Bascom
- Alumni Profile – Marissa Black
- Alumni Profile: How Colleges Could be Missing the Point
- Alumni Profile: Reclaiming the Media for Christ
- American Spectator: Why Classical Schools Just Might Save America
- An Epidemic of Slurs, Slander, and Silliness
- Ancient Architecture: Gingerbread-House Style
- Ancient Future
- And Can It Be? New Hymns!
- Answering the Call
- Are they ready to give an answer?
- Around the Country – Franklin Classical School
- Around the Country- NY School Enters World’s Largest Rowing Regatta
- Around the World
- Around the World – Vietnam
- Arrival: A Movie Review
- Art As a Christian Way of Life
- Art is long. Life is eternal.
- Art: For Whose Sake?
- Ask: Classical Conundrums
- At “Personal Truth U”– College students struggle with logic
- At Home
- Athanasius
- Augustine Classical Rowing Team
- Author and Film Director N.D. Wilson
- Bach & Roll
- Bach to Thankfulness: Why We Study the West’s Greatest Music
- Back to the Books
- BASECAMP Live Features David Goodwin
- Battle for the American Mind: Most Highlighted On Kindle
- Baylor University – Great Texts Program
- Be Brave, Boniface: A Christmas Story
- Before My Own
- Bethlehem College & Seminary
- Better is Better Than Old or New
- Better Questions, Better Answers
- Beware the Future of Classical Charter Schools
- Biden Administration Terminates 1776 Commission
- Black Principal Defends 1776 Curriculum
- Blakey Prize
- Book Club
- Book Review: “Competing Spectacles”
- Books
- Bored with Everything? Awaken the Fire of Curiosity – Grant Horner
- Brainwaves
- Breaking the Barrier
- Breakpoint: STEM is Not Enough
- Brick By Brick: Moving Day
- Bridging the Gap
- Bringing Classical Christian Education to Africa
- Building Intellectual Immune Systems
- Building Your Child’s Toolbox: How CCE Provides the Most Useful Tools for Life
- Built to Last
- Can the Classic Learning Test Replace the SAT?
- Can We Talk About What Happened In D.C. The Other Day?
- Catholic Schools Pivot From Common Core to Classical Education
- CCE and War Theory: Capt. Jeffrey Faulkner’s Story
- CCE On the Front Lines: Michael’s Story
- CCE Stomps the competition?
- CCE: It’s Rising
- Century Watch – Fall 2015
- Century Watch – Fall 2016
- Century Watch – Spring 2016
- Century Watch – Summer 2016
- Century Watch: All Roads Lead to Rome
- CENTURY WATCH: The Declaration of Arbroath
- Century Watch: This year in history — 1616
- Changing the Face of Education
- Christ, the Crux of Human History
- Christian Children, Christian Schools?
- Christian Post interviews ACCS President
- Christianity is classical
- Christianity Today: The New Champions of the Classics?
- Christianity Today’s most popular cover story of 2019—and it might not be what you think.
- Christians and Christian History
- Christians and History and Christian History
- Christmas Playlist
- Christmas Quotes
- Christmas Star: Watch Jupiter and Saturn Align Tonight
- Chrysostom 2017 Winners
- Chrysostom Oratory Competition
- Chrysostom Oratory Winner: Finding True Happiness in Gospel Freedom
- Churches that house homeschool groups threatened
- Classical Christian Education is Building a Presence in Africa
- Classical Christian Fanfare
- Classical Christian grad drawn to deep questions in sciences
- Classical Christian Success by Design
- Classical Conundrums – Why Rhetoric?
- Classical Conundrums: Living in a STEM World
- Classical Conundrums: What about non-Western authors?
- Classical Conundrums: Why are seniors required to write and defend a thesis?
- Classical Conundrums: Why Dances?
- Classical Conundrums: Why do classical Christian schools require uniforms?
- Classical Conundrums: Why do we need a classical Christian education as opposed to just a Christian education?
- Classical Conundrums: Won’t my child be stressed out?
- Classical Conundrums: Young Minds & Ancient Myths
- Classical Ed a Rising Option for Conservatives
- Classical Education and the Future of Civilization
- Classical education isn’t just a lifeboat… (World Magazine)
- Classical Education Meets New College of Florida
- Classical School Wins National Mock Trial Title
- Classical Schools – When Christianity is Silenced
- Classical schools and homeschools dominate National Mock Trial
- Classical Schools Cut Through the Culture Wars
- Classically Educated Parents?
- Classis Online
- Clever Devils: Choosing a school in a dangerous age
- Climbing Hills to Tackle Mountains
- CLT: An Emerging Option for College Admissions Testing
- CLT’s Anchored Podcast Features David Goodwin – The Battle for the American Mind
- College after CCE: Why and How
- College and the Use of Useless Studies
- College Statements of Faith
- Coming Up For Air
- Common Core
- Common Core’s Five-Way Power Play
- Competent Christianity
- Conventional Christian School Enrollment Falls
- Conversation in the Clouds
- Conviction of Chinese Christian Pastor and Classical Christian School Founder Wang Yi
- Counterfeit Words
- Creativity vs. STEM– Who wins?
- Creator to Sub-Creators: Understanding the Transformation
- Crossword Collection
- Culture Grip – Fall 2015
- Culture Grip – Man Does Not Live By Math Alone
- Culture Grip – Summer 2016
- Culture Grip: 1984 to 2021
Reading Books in a Time of Censorship,, and the “Ministry of Truth” - Cursive Makes US Smarter
- Dads, Go to Church with Your Kids
- Dancing
- David Goodwin Interviews Kristyn Getty on the EVENSONG album released today
- David Goodwin on Townhall: How Much Is Secularism to Blame for Support of Sanders?
- Days to Remember
- Difficulty vs. Disability: Embracing the Struggle
- Disney’s New View
- DIY Parenting – Fall 2015
- DIY Parenting – Start a Family Reading Party!
- DIY Parenting – Summer 2016
- Do Classical Christian Schools Create Perfectionist Parents and Students?
- Doing Hard Things Well
- Don’t Look a Gift Fox in the Mouth
- Dorothy Sayers Is the Answer to John Dewey
- Dr. Louis Markos
- Dripping in Spit: How Music Shapes Our Affections
- Eastern University – Templeton Honors College
- Edmund Burke: A Genius Reconsidered by Russel Kirk
- Education and the Art of Pastries
- Education: Our Best Weapon Against Persecution
- Ephesians
- Escaping the Doldrums
- Essenes: Learn more
- Essential Skills: No Longer About Learning in Oregon
- Evangel University Makes Inroads with an ACCS School
- Fair Market Value of Classical Education
- Fall 2016 Links
- Family Advent
- Family Advent: Making Christmas Real
- Family Worship & Culture: A Good Story
- FAMILY WORSHIP—leaving a legacy for your kids is easier than you think.
- Faulkner University – Great Books Honors College
- Fearless During COVID
- Feasting and Fasting
- Fighting the Naked Emperor: A Review of Live Not By Lies
- Firing Curiosity
- First University
- Five Lessons to Help Your Child With Anxiety
- Flip the Script
- Flip the Script on Ford v Ferrari: An epic story with epic heroes
- FOMO, FOBO, or Frodo?
- For Christ: Catherine Rogers, USA Today Network
- Former Muslim Presents the Gospel Truth to a Confused Culture – with Abdu Murray
- Founder’s Spotlight: George Grant
- Four Years That Stick With You for Life
- Framing the Success of Trinity Classical Academy
- Franz Schubert: The Last Classical Composer and his Symphony No. 8 “Unfinished”
- Free Speech on Campus: UK and US
- Freedom to Worship and Free Speech for UK and US Churches
- From Prep School to Church Basement: Peter Baur’s Story
- From Soul-Shaping to Job Training: Mary-Kathryn’s Story
- From the President – Fall 2015
- From Trail Blazers to Cities
- Fruit In Its Season
- Further
- Games
- Gardening and Planting
- Geronimo, Amen! Part 1: Don’t Miss the Blessing
- Getty’s New EVENSONG Album #1 On BillBoard Charts
- Glorious Imagination
- God Started a School
- Gold Standards: Choir
- Gold Standards: Mock Trial
- Gold Standards: Protocol
- Gold Standards: Sports
- Good Employee
- Good Soil Resources
- Good Soil Survey – Video – Why, When, and How
- Good Soil: The Life Outcome Survey of ACCS Alumni
- Good Sportsmanship: It’s More than a Game
- Google “Good Employees”
- GraceLife Church: Neither Judge Nor Jury
- Graduates Pursue a Different Path
- Great Books
- Great Books…Great to Whom? Why It Matters – Louis Markos
- Great Ideas
- Greek Words We Have No Translation For
- Growing Up This Movement in This Moment
- Hannah Kim-Winner of the 2021 Chrysostom Oratory Competition: The Mythology of Modern Science
- Haven’s Story: Overcoming Learning Disabilities
- Help for the New SAT
- Helping Teens Find Purpose in an Age of Anxiety and Depression
- Here I Stand: 1521
- Hillsdale
- History’s Most Powerful List: What it Teaches Us Today
- Holidays: History, Meaning, and the Future
- Houston Baptist University – Honors College
- How Classical Education Can Rescue America From Progressive Disaster
- How Classical Education Teaches Humility
- How Dark Were the Dark Ages?
- How do we form a human soul? What Charlotte Mason knew about the art of education.
- How Do You Teach Beauty?
- How Hard Can Kindergarten Be?
- How other cultures help us recover our own
- How Other Cultures Help Us Recover Our Own
- How Socratic Seminar Teaches Humility
- How the West Was Lost
- How to avoid “I’m Bored”
- How to Save a Life: A Reformed Look at Salvation in Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities”
- Hygge for All: Discover Denmark’s Secret to Happiness and Well-Being
- Ian Lindquist Thinks the ACCS is Distinctly American
- Idols In Education: “Innovation”
- If Our Students Wrote The Stories . . .
- Image Bearers: Becoming who you were made to be – Peter Baur
- Important Happenings and Updates
- In Defense of a Classical Education
- In Defense of the West
- Irrigating Deserts: How Language Elevates Your Child
- Is Classical Christian Education Worthwhile?
- Is Higher Ed Crumbling?
- Is Hybrid Homeschooling The Wave Of The Future?
- Is Your Child Pressing to Leave Your Classical Christian School?
- It’s Garden Season
- Jerusalem Meets Athens in New Jersey: Heichal HaTorah teaches the great texts of both the Jewish and Western traditions.
- Jesus or Anti-Racism
- John Piper
- Just Getting Started: A Teacher Learns about Classical Ed
- K-12 and then to college. Who made this up? Does it even make sense?
- Kill the Dragon: Get the Girl
- Kindergartners and Chicken Eggs
- Kings Who are Subjects and Subjects Who are Kings
- Knowing God at Harvard
- Lean Out or Lean In: Liberal Arts as a Path to Leadership
- Learning a “Dead Language?” Why Latin Still Has Value
- Learning Disabilities
- Legends of America: Ashley’s 100
- Legends of America: Hugh Glass – The Man Who Would Not Die
- Let Freedom Ring: Nevada’s Blatant Double Standard Struck Down
- Letters & Notes
- Letters and Notes
- Liam’s Wish
- Liberal Arts Prepares for Particle Physics: Andrew’s Story
- Liberian Pastor Rebukes Progressive Saviors
- Life After Graduation: How Classical Ed Prepared Me For Engineering
- Life After Graduation: How Classical Ed Prepared Me For Engineering
- LIFE OUTCOMES: Alumni Aged 23–44
- Life Skills
- Lifebuoys for the Soul
- Lifelong Learning – Amanda Watson’s Story
- Light of the Nations
- Little Things
- Live the Difference – Fall 2015
- Live the Difference – Spring 2016
- Living and Learning in the Belly of the Beast
- Living Between What Has Happened and What Will Happen
- Living Like a Narnian
- Longfellow
- Look to the past, thrive today
- Louis Markos On The Myth Made Fact
- Luther’s Transformation of Western Civilization
- Make Children Think Again-The National Review
- Make Summer Matter: Plan a School Campout!
- Make way, Polar Express, the Grandfather Express is here
- Making the Switch
- Medieval Memory
- Medieval Roots of Christmas
- Miseducation: Sleuthing a Progressive Plot
- Mock Trial
- Modern Christian School Enrollment Falls; CCE Enrollment Rises
- Mon Con
- More Classical Schools Embrace the Hybrid Model
- More on the CLT
- More than a Catchy Tune
- Mortification of Spin: Rod Dreher and Live Not by Lies
- Most Beautiful Bible
- My Child has Learning Disabilities: Can a Classical School Work for Us?
- My Ugly Is Your Pretty – Beauty Matters
- N.T. Wright Resources
- National Review: The Resurgence of Classical Education
- New Cultural Pressures Reveal The Power of Style
- New Saint Andrews
- News Alert: Good Soil Report Released Today
- News and Notes
- Nicene Creed
- No History, No Authority
- No, A Classical Education Is Not Impossible To Revive
- Nova Classical- The Full Story
- Of What Value Is a Dead Language?
- On the C.S. Lewis Anniversary: Would Narnia & Lord of the Rings even exist without The Inklings? How Community Influences Our Work – Diana Glyer
- On the Same Team
- One Important Change to Make in Your Child’s Education
- One Year Anniversary of Hurricane Michael
- Ontario’s New Laws…and What They Mean for Education
- Our 2017 Grads: Who They are and Where They’re Going
- Our Anchor, Our Hope (Part 1)
- Our Anchor, Our Hope (Part 2)
- Our Anchor, Our Hope (Part 3)
- Our Anchor, Our Hope: Why Our First Year at NCA Has Made All The Difference
- Our world is more WONDER-filled than you realize!
- Paideia and Your Sweater Vest
- Paint By Number
- Parent Reading Lists: Read and Listen Survey Results
- Parent School
- Parent Study: Ideas Can Change the World
- Patrick Henry College
- Paying for Christian School with 529 Plans
- Persuasive Technology: The Cigarette of the 21st Century – by Mary Blake Fletcher, Chrysostom Prize Winner 2022
- Picture (Im)perfect
- Pink Hair
- Platonic Hammers
- Play Composer Bingo!
- Playgrounds & Temples: An Interview with N.T. Wright
- Podcasts for Students
- Point of View Radio Interviews David Goodwin on The Good Soil Research
- Polluting the Shadows
- Powerful and Dangerous: Men Are Not Angels
- Preparation + Calling = Mission
- Prepared for A Real Job?…A Data Analyst Weighs In On Liberal Arts Degrees ~ Rob Sentz
- Preparing to Receive the Summer
- Press Down: Principles from Proverbs for a Productive Summer
- Princeton Grad Unhinged by a Five-year-old
- Private Schools Across the US Targeted for Closure, as Parents Turn to Them for In-person Classes
- Profile 1: Life Outlook
- PROFILE 2: Christian Life
- PROFILE 3: Christian Commitment
- PROFILE 4: Conservative and Traditional
- Profile 5 from the Good Soil Study: Prepared for College and Career
- PROFILE 6: Independent Thinkers
- PROFILE 7: Cultural Influence
- Program computers, educate children
- Prom vs. Protocol – Afraid of Putting on Dancing Shoes? Prom A Better Way – Dell Cook
- Pruning at the Proper Time
- Public School Exit
- Public, Private, Online, Homeschool?
- Quick Tip: Do You Wish You Could Go back to School?
- Rafiki: Friend to Africa’s Widows and Orphans
- Rafiki: Called to Build the Kingdom
- Rafiki: Finding a Way
- Raising Deep Thinkers and Tomorrow’s Leaders in a Tweet-Filled World Round Two
- Raising Kids Who Raise the Bar
- Raising Real Women — Wonder Woman or Laura Ingalls?
- Read! Stories for family worship
- Reason, Virtue, and Education
- Rebuilding
- Reclaiming the Media
- Recovering Classical Christian Education
- Recovering the Social Capital of K–12 Schools
- Redeeming Heroes Through Stories, Legends, and Myths
- Rejoice When They Revile
- Relocating with a Purpose
- Repairing the Ruins ACCS Annual Conference
- Repairing the Ruins
Watch and Listen - Research Shows Benefits of a Classical Christian Education
- Resurrection Rolls
- Rethinking College?
- Rhetoric Statistics
- Rhetoric: Tectonic Plates or Icing on the Cake?
- Ripple Effect – Classic Learning Test (CLT)
- Row On
- Running Kangaroos and Competing Educational Theories
- Sándor’s Dream
- School Choice and Masks-WSJ
- Schooling in America Survey Project: Top 10 Findings from the 10th Year
- Science, Cambridge, & a Quest for Antifragile Faith
- Scientism, the coronavirus, and the death of the humanities
- Seeing Beyond The Day
- Set Apart – Fall 2015
- Set Apart – Fall 2016
- Set Apart – Summer 2016
- Set Apart – Winter 2016
- Shaping Round Pegs in a Square-Holed World
- Sing! Making music part of family worship
- Singing a Sweeter Song
- Skills That Matter
- Small Beginnings
- Some Things Don’t Change. Raising A Generation with Truth – John MacArthur
- Sophrosune
- Soulfood for Storytellers
- Speaking Freely?!
- Spelling Bee
- Spiritual and Academic Repetition Is Not Monotonous
- Sports Gone Mad: How to Reclaim Balance For Our Children – Ken Sugarman
- Standardized Tests: Reform Is Necessary
- Standing Up for the Truths That Shaped Him
- Star Wars Does Battle Against the Me Generation
- Star Wars: The Last Jedi?
- Starting a Mock Trial Team
- Protected: Stepping 50 years backward: Woke Ideology’s fruit – segregation
- Student Contests and Events
- Students rarely know what’s best, but they know how to get it
- Students: Why Your Education Matters
- Summer Leisure with ACCS
- Summer’s Bounty
- Talk to Strangers
- Taming Your Inner Mama Bear
- Teacher Christmas Gifts
- Technology Regained
- Tell another family about your school. They may thank you in 12 years.
- The 95 Theses
- The Amazima School: An ACCS Classical Christian school in Jinja, Uganda
- The Art of Seeing: Through the eyes of a Disney artist & classical teacher
- The Art of Wonder
- The Beacon is Lit: How will you answer?
- The Beauty of Standing Fast
- The Blakey Prize in Fine Art Winners 2020
- The Book of the Icelanders
A.D. 1122 - The Carpool Lane – Fall 2016
- The Carpool Lane – Spring 2016
- The Carpool Lane: Late Again!
- The Church in America and Statism
- The Classical Education of Boris Johnson
- The Classics are for Struggling Readers, Too
- The Common Core and the Classical Tradition
- The Cubic Equation, Imaginary Numbers, and a Math Duel
- The Degeneration of the Modern University
- The Degeneration of The Modern University
- The Discipleship of Godspeed
- The Eliot Society: A scientist becomes an ambassador for the arts in Washington D.C.
- The Equality Act
- The Essenes: A Community Greater than the Sum of its Parts
- The Evolution of Christmas: 500 Christmases Since Wittenberg
- The Exponential Growth of Classical Christian Education
- The First Amendment, The Gospel, and SCOTUS
- The Formation of the First “University”
- The Game We’re Really Trying To Win
- The Georgetown View: Sharing the Love
- The Ghost Legion of Rome and the Wall of Hadrian
- The Good, the Bad, and the Obedient
- The Gray Havens Interview: Music with a Story
- The Great Stories, Retold, Form a People
- The Great Thing about Expectations
- The Horse and His Boy: The Danger of Totalitarian Ideology
- The Imaginative Dad
- The Jungle Book Unearths Cultural Treasure
- The King Alfred School
- The King’s College
- The Last Citadel for Evangelicals
- The Makings of Fortitude
- The Manhattan Institute–Classical Education: An Attractive School Choice for Parents
- The Medieval Redemption of Christmas
- The Minority on the Mayflower
- The National Review: A New College Plans to Open — No Federal Money, No Accreditation.
- The Novel
- The Opening of 117th Congress: Why knowledge of etymology is valuable
- The Power of Storytelling: Lewis and Lengle
- The Price of Panic
- The Princeton Graduate Unhinged by a 5-Year Old
- The Revival of Learning – Classical Schools in Modern America
- The right kind of fear is good for kids
- The Riot and the Dance: Africa
- The Road Ahead for Christians in Scotland
- The Scary Trend Skyrocketing In Today’s Teens
- The Scottish Father of the Modern Fire Service
- The Stocking Hunt
- The Tournament of Laurels: A Student’s Perspective on Passing the Torch
- The Trivium
- The Unfortunate “Liberal Arts Education”
- The Unfortunate “Liberal Arts Education”: What’s in a word?
- The Words of Power
- Theology Through the Eyes of Fiction
- Think Bigger
- Think Spring
- This Year in History: 1818
- This Year in History: 1825
- Thomas Sowell: Common Sense In A Senseless World
- Times & Seasons – Listen and Read
- Times and Seasons – Lent
- Tips for Educating your Kids…Even on the Commute
- Tips For Selecting a College for Your Classically Educated Graduate
- Today We Finished Reading “Charlotte’s Web”
- Today’s Classical Education Is Worth Pursuing Because it is Anchored in Reality
- Tools for Parents: Learning Disabilities
- Tough Choices When Making Decisions for College?
- Touring an Art Museum
- Traditional Church Calendar 101
- Traditions for Young Families
- Transcendent: The Not-So-Obvious Idea About God
- Transformed Through Tradition
- Trivium Art
- True educators, even among the secularists
- Truth, Beauty, Goodness, and Joy
- Turning Point: How One Student’s Senior Thesis Transformed Her Life and Thinking Forever
- Twenty-three Years In
- Two Fun Videos
- U.S Attorney General Speaks About Classical Christian Renewal
- Unconventional College Options For CCE Students
- Under 18: The Latest Findings on Gen Z
- Uniforms
- University of Dallas
- Valentine’s Day
- Vanderbilt Law Professor Warns Parents
- Videos from Classical Schools
- Watching Phones Instead Of Reading Good Books Is Starving Kids’ Souls
- We Don’t Need No SAT Test! There’s a Better Way to Test for College Entrance
- Welcome to Good Soil
- Welcome to Holy Week: Suffering into Wisdom: Aeschylus, Abraham, Jesus, and Lent
- Welcome to The Classical Difference
- What about STEM?
- What does it mean to be an ACCS Accredited school?
- What Every Parent Should Consider
- What Happens When We Don’t Sing Christmas Carols: The Redwoods of Our Faith
- What I Learned in a Vietnam Prison about Raising the Next Generation – Bruce Flanagan
- What if I Don’t Like Bach?
- What Is Socratic Discussion?
- What is the fair market value of classical Christian education?
- What is the Fair Market Value of Classical Christian Education?
- What Makes a Good Employee?
- What Our Kids Love Most
- When Education Became Job Training
- When is a field more than just a field?
- Which One Are You: Ideologue or Pragmatist?
- Who Killed the Liberal Arts?
- Why Are We Here?
- Why Classical Education May Not Be For You
- Why didn’t 30 minutes of Homer do anything for my child?
- Why Do Men Think of Rome?
- Why do we study the Greeks so much?
- Why Don’t We Cut Music?
- Why Future Engineers Desperately Need a Liberal Arts Education
- Why I Chose a Classical Christian School After 15 Years Working in Public and Charter Schools
- Why I Started a Classical Christian School
- Why is Modern Art so Bad?
- Why Study Latin?
- Why We Teach Art
- Why You Should Read With Your Kids
- Why your student should go to a classical Christian high school
- Wildly Committed to the Mission
- Will Classical Christian Schools Disrupt Education Philanthropy?
- Wired for Beauty
- Wisdom from the Front
- With All Your Heart by A. Craig Troxel
- World-Changing Education on a Global Scale
- Wyoming Classical School Successfully Lobbies to Change State Law
- Yale Leads the Way in Academic “Wokeness”
- Year in Review – 2022
- You Are What You Sing – Jarrod Richey
- You Cannot “Find” the Will of God
- You never know what you’ll find in a church basement …
- Your Child’s Higher Calling
- Your Children Become What They Behold
- Youtube censures the web? Christian ed. just got harder.